Sunday, September 6, 2009


Those who claim to have seen aura report that orange aura is associated with intellectual ambition, and those who haven't seen, glorify orange as a colour of youth, fervor and vibrancy. Though, today's budding entrepreneurs don't have much time to contemplate on these abstract symbolisms, yet we can say of this venture as a honest and advertent endeavor to make sky of bright dreams Orangified. is first Indian website of its kind. Today's rapidly growing society is soaked with sprouting dreams which necessitates the need of appropriate platforms. We are fortunate to have lot of such platforms in the form of cultural and technical fests, taking place in different parts of our country and also outside. But, the heartbreaking aspect of whole situation is the lack of a powerful media which can make the information about these platforms in the reach of every aspirant throughout India and outside. It is out of this need that idea of took birth in the mind of one of such aspirant. It basically aims at providing youth centric information on college level festivals and university events organized across the nation. But it is up-to date information on various conferences, competitions, summits and youth festivals that makes this site indispensable.

Portal nature of is justified by the need, which resulted in its birth similar to other web-portals. But a promising endeavor always has a prospicient vision and something similar is in the mind of the creator of this website. Though started basically as a portal site it has a serious potential of a herculean web 2.0 form. But the noblest part of every honest vision is aims at searching talents from the grass-root level from different parts of country and projecting them internationally.

1 comment:

  1. the idea is a good one. i wonder why no one thought of it earlier. it was so obvious! ;)
